Comment 1
Comment 2
Reference Information:
Title: Tag Expression: Tagging with Feeling
Authors: Jesse Vig, Matthew Soukup, Shilad Sen, John Riedl
Venue: UIST
The authors of this article discuss their work with tagged expressions.This article uses the example of replacing the current 5 star rating system with a new system that involves the use of tagged expressions. Users would tag what they liked, disliked, and were neutral about in the move. Likes would be displayed in blue, dislikes in red, and neutral statements in black. The thought process is that this would give the reader more information about what they are researching than a simple star system.
While this is interesting I don't believe that I would like tagged expression usage as a movie rating system. Part of the fun of a movie is not knowing anything about it. In cases like this it is nice to be able to use a simple star system in order to see if the overall opinion of the movie is good or bad. If a tagged expression is used and you read the word predictable than you know for a fact there is no twist and sometimes the fact that you thought there was a twist and there wasn't can be enjoyable. In short using the system has to much potential to ruin a movie for me to want to use it. However, using tags for other things such as describing what people like or dislike about restaurants could be very useful.
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