Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Book Reading #51 - Living With Complexity

Chapter 1: Why Is Complexity Necessary?

The author discusses in this chapter why complexity is not always just the result of bad design choices. Sometimes, complexity in design simply reflects complexity in life. The controls for a plane are not complex because designers are evil, but because there are a lot of buttons and knobs required in order to have enough control to fly a plane safety. The author also explains that complexity to one person does not necessarily mean chaos. People who have messy desks often know exactly where everything they need is because there is order to their personal complexity. The author also talks about the difference between stupid complexity (where things are complex unnecessarily) and normal complexity (where design complexity is just a product of how complex the system is)

Chapter 2: Simplicity is in the Mind

In this chapter the author discusses how designers can change the model of information to make us perceive it as simple or complex. Even though it is the same information, it is the model that we really judge. He also discusses how sometimes making things appear simpler (such as removing buttons) can actually just make things harder in the long run.

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