Friday, March 25, 2011

Paper Reading #13: Madgets: Actuating Widgets on Interactive Tabletops

Comment 1
Comment 2

Reference Information:
Title: Madgets: Actuating Widgets on Interactive Tabletops
Author: Malte Weiss, Florian Schwarz, Simon Jakubowski, Jan Borchers
Venue: UIST 

The authors describe a madget as a magnetic widget. The idea is to have a widget that is magnetically powered so that it can move itself to interact on a tabletop. The madget uses fiber optic cables and an IR camera to sense its position and then uses magnets in the madget and in the tabletop in order to move to the desired location.

In addition to being able to command the widget to move on a tabletop, this technology could also be used to adjust other tangibles in correlation to each other based on certain events. (such as moving the dial knob on speakers when you turn down your volume through software)

This technology is very interesting. I believe that it is very useful, however I cant think of many real uses for it. Perhaps the problem is that I don't personally interact with many things that could make use of this technology. In any case I always enjoy reading about tangible objects as it seems very futuristic. Perhaps one day this could lead to a more interactive style of gaming!

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