Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Extra Credit Paper Reading #8

Comment 1
Comment 2

Reference Information:
Title: Critical Gameplay: Software Studies in Computer Gameplay
Authors: Lindsay D. Grace
Venue: CHI 2010

In this paper, the author describes a study done on video games. The author claims that all games follow similar patterns and that by conducting a study to realize these patterns, we can create alternatives. The author describes several patterns that they uncovered during their study of video games such as the evaluation of threats and non threats. The author also made note of patterns such as collection of items or players not looking around at their environment. The authors also describe a few games which deviate from the norm and have different patterns.


In my opinion, there is a huge difference between a game being different because it employs a unique idea and a game being different just for the sake of being different. Unfortunately, the games described in this paper seemed to be doing things differently just for the sake of being different. As a result, I did not find any of the games mentioned to seem enjoyable. I do see the value of new ideas, just not when they are based solely on being the opposite of old ideas.

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