Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Extra Credit Paper Reading #2

Comment 1 
Comment 2 

Reference Information:
Title: Improved Window Switching Interfaces
Authors: Susanne Tak, Andy Cockburn
Venue: CHI 2010

In this paper, the authors discuss a new means of switching between windows on a computer. The authors system, known as Spatially Consistent Thumbnails Zones (SCOTZ), gives the user thumbnail zones in order to change the window that is depicted on a certain area of the screen. The authors focused much of their research on simply gathering data about how people used window switches in order to decide what the best approach  they could take in designing SCOTZ. The initial results towards their system have been positive and they intend to continue gathering data to improve their system.

I personally have no problem with alt tabbing so I was not particularly excited about this system. It does seem interesting, but it also appears to clutter the screen and the windows toolbar looks much more efficient. I would still be interested to use this system personally to see if it is more intuitive.

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