Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Paper Reading #9: The IR Ring: Authenticating Users’ Touches on a Multi-Touch Display


Reference Information:
Title: The IR Ring: Authenticating Users’ Touches on a Multi-Touch Display
Author: Volker Roth, Philipp Schmidt, Benjamin Guldenring
Venue: UIST

With the rise in usage of multi-touch display, there is a need to increase security with this technology. Users should not be able to send messages in the name of other users, or delete data of other users that share the multi-touch display. The author discusses security in the form of a small ring that could be worn which emits small pulses of light which the multi-touch display can than authenticate. The author continues to explain the specifics of the cryptography involved and also mentions that increasing the length of the light pulse dramatically increases the security.

This is a really awesome technology. The only downfall that I see is that someone could just steal the ring from you and they would have access to your system. Also, if you lose your ring are you permanently locked out of your system? Overall I found this paper thoroughly enjoyable and the technology seems very futuristic.


  1. I always love reading about new technology. This seems like something that could work I suppose. I don't see why password protecting things could suffice though.

  2. How would you really lose your ring? Maybe we can graft them onto people's skin. It might also be possible that you can have a ring and also set an optional password for if you do lose your ring. It does seem like really cool new technology though.

  3. I think it would more useful to authenticate users based on identification of fingerprints. I feel that the idea of using a ring for identification could be easily thwarted.
