Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Paper Reading #5: Creating Salient Summaries of Home Activity Lifelog Data


Reference Information:
Title: Creating Salient Summaries of Home Activity Lifelog Data
Author: Matthew L. Lee
Venue: CHI 2010   


The author discusses how it is currently difficult to differentiate between elderly people who are capable of living independently from those who are not. In his dissertation, the author describes how he plans to design a system that would be able to monitor the elderly when they are performing Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs). These activities such as taking medicine or making breakfast are necessary for elderly people to live independently. This system would keep track of the adequacy of these tasks and the information would be available for doctors or family members.

This was a very interesting dissertation. I believe that this could be a useful technology, but we aren't given a lot of information in the dissertation as to how this will be accomplished. I also am curious how the system will be able to stop people from cheating, such as removing medicine from its container but not actually ingesting it. As with the past few paper readings I have been assigned, I am very interested in the theory but would like to see some concrete information before giving predictions of its usefulness.


  1. I see you googled "elderly people" for your image, haha. I'm also interested in how the sensors which will determine their success in the various steps of each task- will the subject have to give separate input, or what? The only picture I could find on Matthew Lee's webpage was of two medicine bottles resting something like a scale, which would only be able to determine whether there were things on top of it, from what I can see...

  2. Cheating notwithstanding, I can see that this would be useful for caretakers, loved ones and maybe physicians.
