Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Dr. Celine Latulipe: Exploring the Design Space in Technology-Augmented Dance

Reference Information:
Title: Reference Information:
Title: Exploring the Design Space in Technology-Augmented Dance
Author: Celine Latulipe
David Wilson
Sybil Huskey
Melissa Word
Arthur Carroll
Erin Carroll
Berto Gonzalez
Vikash Singh
Venue: CHI 2010   

The Dance.Draw project is the technological representation of dancers movements. The dancers are fitted with motion sensing equipment of various different types, and images on a screen behind them are altered based on the dancers movements. As a result of this project, the audience focused on the link between the dancers, mice and visuals.

I believe that this is a very unique use of technology. While I do question why there could not be a prerecorded visual shown in the background instead of real time motion capture visualizations, I understand that by using the motion capture makes each dance unique. After all, many people enjoy seeing the same play done by different actors because they are unique and bring something special to the stage.

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